FAQ Lawns
What can I do to get rid of the nightcrawler bumps my yard? Nightcrawlers are a type of large earthworm. The bumps are a waste product called castings that they leave at the entrance of their burrows. The worms are at the surface more when there is a lack of oxygen in the soil. Good soil preparation before putting in a lawn will prevent this problem. Hand raking the area and core aeration twice a year will help. You can also apply Gro-Rich Garden Soil lightly over the top of the turf. No chemicals we sell will rid your lawn of nightcrawlers. Even though the bumps are a nuisance the worms are part of the solution to a heavy clay soil. They help to aerate, reduce thatch, increase water efficiency, fertilize, and recycle nutrients. Something is digging tunnels in my lawn. What is it? Voles are mouse-like rodents. It is common to see the tunnels damage after the snow melts. They can kill small trees and shrubs by chewing off the bark. You can apply poison bait in the tunnel or try mouse traps baited with peanut butter.
do I control crabgrass? Crabgrass is an annual grass that dies with the
first frost and comes back from seeds the next spring around May 1 in our area.
It grows quickly in summer and produces thousands of seeds each year. The
best way to control it is to keep your lawn healthy. Good cultural
practices such as watering less frequently and applying more water each
time, reseeding thin areas, and proper mowing will discourage crabgrass.
The next method is to keep the seeds from germinating with crabgrass preventer. Apply from late March to early May. Ferti-lome Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass
and Weed Preventer "For All Seasons" can control crabgrass after it germinates. Areas of my lawn are turning brown and dying. What should I do? Bring in a sample of the affected area to our plant doctors. We need a 12" by 12" sample of sod with about 2 inches of soil underneath that is half green and half brown for the best diagnosis. Then we can determine if it is a fungus, insects, pet damage, or a cultural problem.