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It's been a long, cold winter, and we gardeners are eager to get back out into our garden beds again. It's so gratifying to dig into healthy soil — and that's an excellent place to begin your new growing season! After all, you can't grow healthy plants without healthy soil. Let's dig into this subject, and learn how to set your plants
up for success.

Don't Treat Your Soil Like Dirt!

What's the difference? Dirt is what you get on your clothes while working in the garden. Soil is a complex, living, bio-diverse ecosystem that feeds and supports plant roots. It keeps plants upright, channels water and air to their roots, and
feeds their growth.

Anywhere from 1-5% of healthy soil is composed purely of living organisms, and these organisms play a central role in making vital nutrients available to plants. That's why it's important to amend your soil each and every year. The microorganisms will eat and digest the fresh organic matter, so keep adding compost, manure, etc. to your soil each year. Happy microbes mean happy plants!

Colorado Soils

Understanding the various soils you may encounter across the state is essential for cultivating a successful garden. The most common natural soils most Front Range gardeners will face is either a clay soil or
a sandy soil.

If you notice that water tends to puddle on the surface of your soil without penetrating, you're dealing with a clay soil. This type of soil is composed of fine mineral particles that tend to stick together, leading to slow drainage and soil compaction where no air can get to the roots. On the other hand, with a sandy gritty feeling soil, water will run through the soil quickly, leaching valuable nutrients out of the soil and leaving your garden constantly hungry and parched.

Amending Your Soil

To correct either problem, the answer is the same — add organic materials! Sphagnum peat, compost, aged manures, and Soil Pep are all good choices, either by themselves or in combinations.

If you have clay soil, organic material will help break up the clay, provide pockets for air, and ensure better drainage. If you're dealing with a sandy soil, organics will fill in the spaces between sand particles with water-holding matter for your plants roots to thrive. In addition, soil amendments will encourage beneficial microbial activity and provide nutritional benefits.

If you need help choosing soil amendments, or deciding how much to add, just stop in and ask one of our garden experts. They're happy to help you get this year's garden started right from the ground up.

Helps break up hard clay soils. Improves moisture retention in sandy soils.

Giant 3.8 cu. ft. compressed bale expands to about 7 cubic feet.
Canadian sphagnum peat moss is sustainably harvested.

Covers 100 sq. ft. Reg. $36.95

25% Off

Clay Pots and Saucers

We have many styles of red, brown, and white clay pots. Many sizes are also available in the classic beauty of standard and azalea-styled red clay.


FoxFarm Strawberry

Fields Potting Soil

Specifically designed for fruiting and flowering plants. Complete and ready-to-grow rich potting soil.

1.5 cu. ft reg. $32.95

20% Off

Gro-Rich Fertilizers

Organic based fertilizers for outdoor plants that also improve the soil. Contain both primary and secondary nutrients like chelated iron.

Choose Rose & Perennial
or Garden Fertilizer.

Large 15 lb. bags

20% Off

Dahlia Bulbs

Terrific selection of colors, types and sizes of packaged dahlia bulbs. Blooms up to 10" across.

25% Off

Pot Hangers

Add fun and friendly visitors to your pots. Bright colorful figures hang playfully from the rim your pot. Assorted animals, birds, and bugs.

25% Off Terrariums

Glass containers in a multitude of sizes and interesting shapes.

Create your own unique miniature garden.

20% Off

Soil Soaker Hoses

For deep, even soaking.
Can be placed above or below ground.

Available in 25’, 50’, and 75’ lengths


Gro Rich

Garden Soil Mix

Ideal for flower beds and vegetable gardens. Mix with native soil. Use as a top dressing for lawns 100% organic

1.5 cu. ft. bag

Reg. $11.95

Get terrific prices on our 2025 Patio Furniture selections! Free delivery in Metro Denver of any furniture grouping of 3 or more pieces purchased by March 27.

Offers good through Thursday, March 27

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 Wizard of Oz Dahlia features tightly cupped silky petals that form soft pink honeycombed 2" flowers against emerald green foliage.

Made from natural coconut fiber, Bosmere Coco Mulch Mat helps retain plant moisture, promotes air circulation, and helps prevent weeds from growing by creating a defined edge around
trees and shrubs.

Nature’s Choice Grass Seed does not have the manicured look of a traditional lawn, but requires much less care. Designed for areas where regular watering is not available, this is the perfect product for those “buffer” areas between your formal lawn and open fields.

Rewards Members: Click for Your Weekly Specials

  • Art Glass Rock Rain Chain
  • Ming Fern
  • Bar Harbor Potting Soil
  • Tractor Seat Plant
  • Snack Shack Bird Feeder


Buy 2 Bags Get One FREE!

Better soil yields better plant growth. Soil Pep is a bark-based soil amendment that you mix into
your existing soil.

1.5 cu. ft. Reg. $7.99

w/coupon only - Offer expires 4/3/25

Cannot be combined with any other offer.

Valid at Echter's Garden Center only.  

Coupons subject to change without notice. Distribution on property prohibited.

Click for Printable Coupon



Green Thumb Silver

Coat Grass Seed

Silver coat 4-in-1 technology seals both the fertilizer and a special water absorbent right around the seed. Three different grass seed blends to choose from.

3 lb. bags. Reg. $26.95

w/coupon only - Offer expires 4/3/25

Cannot be combined with any other offer. Valid at Echter's Garden Center only.  

Coupons subject to change without notice. Distribution on property prohibited.

Click for Printable Coupon

Overseeding a thin lawn can begin as weather begins to reliably warm up in March. Rake areas to be seeded to expose the soil. Apply a thin layer of Nature's Yield Compost to the area. Use a high-quality seed blended for your conditions. A hand spreader will help to apply the seed evenly. Be sure to keep the surface area moist until the seed is well germinated. You may need to sprinkle water on the area more than once a day to keep it moist.

If the soil temperature is at least 40°F, you can safely plant cold-season crops like spinach, peas, Swiss chard, radishes, turnips, parsnips, carrots, kale, lettuce, leeks, rutabaga, onion seed and sets, bare root strawberries, asparagus, and potatoes directly into the garden. Remember to rotate your vegetable crops each year. Plant each variety of vegetable in a different part of your garden than you did last year.


It's time to get your houseplants ready for spring! March is a great time to transplant houseplants into the next-sized larger pot. Use a good well-drained houseplant potting mix. Prune back leggy houseplants now before the spring flush of growth. As days grow longer, houseplants resume active growth and benefit from applications of fertilizer like Jack's Classic Houseplant Special.

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