
We hope this Frost Hardiness list will help gardeners know when it is safe to set
out their plants. The actual dates vary, of course, with each area, but
the principle is the same. Perennials that are not hardy in Colorado are listed
as annuals. The hardiness of perennials is based on coming out of a protected
climate. If you have any comments or know of additional
references, please e-mail us at our address below.

Very Hardy
Plants--Plant Out up to 7 weeks before last
(April 1 in Denver, April 10 in Golden & Parker)
Alyssum, Anchusa, Centaurea, Dracaena, Dusty Miller, Larkspur, Nigella,
Pansy, Snapdragon, Sweet Pea
Perennial Starts
Achillea, Aegopodium, Ajuga, Aurinia, Arabis, Armeria, Aubretia,
Basket of Gold, Bishop's Weed, Carnation, Creeping
Phlox, Gayfeather, Hardy Hibiscus, Lavender Cotton, Liatris, Lobelia, Primrose, Primula,
Rock Cress, Purple Rock Cress, Red Hot Poker, Santolina,
Sedum, Thyme, Torch Lily, Tritoma, Viola, Yarrow
Vegetable Plants
Asparagus, Chives, Fennel, Garlic, Onions, Peas, Potato, Radish, Strawberry

Hardy Plants--Plant
up to 5 weeks before last frost.
(April 20 in Denver, April 30 in Golden & Parker)
African Daisy, Arctotis, Baby Blue Eyes, Calendula, Carnation, Dianthus, Diascia, Flowering Kale, Lobelia,
Osteospermum, Phlox, Twinspur, Vinca Vine
Perennial Starts
Alstromeria, Anemone, Baby' Breath, Bachelor Buttons, Bellis, Campanula,
Candytuft, Centaurea, Cerastium, Columbine, Coral Bells, Coreopsis, Daylily, Dianthus, Digitalis, Doronicum,
English Daisy, Erysimum, Festuca, Feverfew, Flax, Forget-Me-Not, Foxglove, Galium, Garden Mums,
Gloriosa Daisy, Gypsophila, Helianthemum, Hemerocallis, Heuchera, Hollyhocks, Hosta,
Iberis, Lavender, Lenten Rose, Lupine, Lunaria, Lysimachia, Maltese Cross, Matricaria,
Mexican Feather Grass, Missouri Primrose, Money Plant, Myosotis, Oenothera, Painted Daisy,
Penstemon, Tall Phlox,
Pincushion Flower, Poppy, Pyrethrum,
Roses, Rudbeckia, Scabiosa, Shasta Daisy, Snow-in Summer, Statice, Sweet William, Sweet Woodruff,
Veronica, Violet
Vegetable Plants
Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kohlrabi, Lettuce,
Pak Choi, Perennial Herbs, Radicchio, Rhubarb, Spinach

Plants--Plant out up to 3 weeks before last
frost date.
(May 1 in Denver, May 10 in Golden & Parker)
Anagallis, Angelonia, Angel's Trumpets, Bacopa, Bells of Ireland,
Blue Lace Flower, Calibrachoa, California Poppy, Campanula,
Clover, Coreopsis, Cosmos, Creeping Zinnia, Datura, Dichondra, Didiscus, Fountain Grass, Gaillardia, Gazania, Gerbera, Gloriosa
Daisy, Gomphrena, Lotus Vine, Ornamental Grasses, Petunia, Pennisetum, Phlox, Purple Bell Vine,
Regal Geranium, Ruby Grass, Rudbeckia,
Sanvitalia, Scarlet Pimpernel, Stocks, Strawflowers, Steirodiscus, Sutera, Sweet Peas, Sweet Sultan, Transvaal
Daisy, Trifolium, Verbena, Xerianthemum
Perennial Starts
Artemesia, Hardy Asters, Astilbe, Balloon Flower, Bee Balm, Bleeding Heart,
Delphinium, Echinacea, Euphorbia, Felicia Daisy, Geum, Gladiolus, Hibiscus, Hypericum, Monarda,
Peony, Platycodon, Purple Coneflower, Roses, Salvia, Sagina, Saxifraga, Verbena
Vegetable Plants
Artichoke, Celery, Leek

Tender Plants--Plant
outside after almost all danger of frost
has passed.
(May 20 in Denver, May 30 in Golden & Parker)
Abutilon, Achimenes, African Daisy, Ageratum, Argyranthemum, Alternanthera, Alternaria,
Amaranthus, Asparagus Fern, Asters,
Axilflower, Balsam, Banana, Begonia, Bidens, Black
Eyed Susan, Bloodleaf, Blue Throatwort, Bougainvillea, Bower Vine, Brachycome, Browallia, Brunfelsia, Caladium, Calla Lily, Calliopsis,
Canna, Cardinal Flower, Catharanthus, Celosia, Chrysanthemum, Chrysocephalum,
Cigar Plant, Cleome, Coleus, Copperleaf, Crossandra, Cuphea, Dahlberg Daisy, Dahlia, Dallas Fern, Dipladenia, Elephant Ears, Evolvulus,
Fanflower, Fiber Optic Grass, Flowering Maple, Flowering Tobacco, Fountain Grass, Four O' Clock, Fuchsia,
Geranium, Gloriosa Lily, Firebush, Guara, Hamelia, Heliotrope, Hibiscus, Impatiens,
Iresene, Jasmine, Lantana,
Livingstone Daisy, Lisianthus, Lithospermum, Marguerite Daisy, Marigold,
Mecardonia, Melampodium,
Millet, Mimulus, Monkey Flower, Moon Vine, Morning Glory, Napa Valley Fern, Nasturtium,
Nemesia, Nicotiana, Nierembergia, Nolana, Oleander, Oxalis, Painted Tongue, Pampas Grass, Pentas,
Perilla, Periwinkle, Plectranthus, Polka Dot Plant, Polygonum, Portulaca,
Salpiglossis, Salvia, Sanvitalia, Scarlet Runner Bean, Scaevola, Scutellaria, Schizanthus,
Skullcap, Statice, Stoneseed, Streptocarpella, Sunflower, Swan River Daisy, Sweet Potato Vine, Thunbergia, Tithonia, Torenia,
Trachelium, Trailing Portulaca, Tropical Hibiscus, Tropical Water Plants, Zinnia

Vegetable Plants
Annual Herbs,
Cantaloupe, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Okra, Peanut, Bell & Chile Peppers, Pumpkin,
Squash, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Watermelon

Frost/Freeze Free Dates by ZIPCode
If you have comments or suggestions, email us at