Spruce up your beds and borders for years
with some eye-catching perennials. We have hundreds of different
types of perennial plants for almost every landscaping need. There is
a tremendous variety of sizes, colors and textures.

Find the perfect perennial plant!

Ornamental Grasses
Wide selection of heights, colors, shapes, and
Add motion to the garden with beautiful
and graceful grasses in your landscape.

These easy-to-grow perennials have large showy flowers and last for years.

Colorado's favorite perennials

Violas They
signal that spring has arrived each year. Gorgeous variety of
colors. Cold hardy perennials.
favorite perennial with exotic flowers and dramatic
foliage. Some new varieties rebloom! Lower water requirements.

.Delphiniums Mid to tall perennials that you
can count on to bloom each summer. They are easy to grow and start
blooming June. They can be used for cut
flowers as well. Many new colors are available.

Lavender Fragrant foliage and
flowers. Low maintenance. Low water needs.

Walkabout Ground Covers Tough, yet easy-to-grow ground covers you can walk on.
between stepping stones

Clematis Enjoy large flowers from June through early
fall on this popular vine. Create an 8’ tall colorful wall. Includes
the long-blooming new varieties well as the old favorites.

Shasta Daisies
Masses of large white, showy flowers over dark green foliage.
Perennial plant that blooms all summer long, year after year.

Champagne Bubbles Iceland Poppies
Elegant perennial with fragrant flowers that resemble silky
paper and sway with the slightest breeze.
Complete List of Echter's Plants for Outdoors