Lawn Foods
Pro-Rich Lawn Fertilizer
This is an organic-based fertilizer that is
made in Colorado. It conditions the soil while the slow release
fertilizer feeds the lawn. It contains a complete
fertilizer combination 14-5-5 as well as essential sulfur and
chelated iron.
40 lb. bag covers 5600 sq. ft.
Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass and Weed Preventer
Use this product to prevent broadleaf and
grassy weed seeds from
sprouting when you fertilize your lawn. Covers 5,000 sq.

the Ferti-lome Solution Center

Green Thumb Premium Weed & Feed
Controls over 200 different types of broadleaf weeds and
fertilizes the lawn with a slow steady release of nitrogen to
keep it lush and green all summer. 16 lbs. Covers 5000 sq. ft.

Colorado's Own Fertilizers
Made here in Colorado
especially for our lawns and gardens. Choose from Lawn Food,
Weed & Feed, Vegetable Garden and Rose Food.
Indoor Plant Foods
Classic Houseplant Special
For use on all indoor foliage
and flowering plants. The 1:2:1 nutrient ratio helps
establish a good root zone as well as lush green leaves. High
quality nutrient sources will not build up in the plant root
zone. 100% soluble. Can be
used in a bottom fed system, a hydroponic system or with a
watering can. |
Rose &
Flower Foods
Jack's Classic Blossom Booster
from J.R. Peters The original
10-30-20 formula developed over 40 years ago for professional
growers. More flowers and brighter colors. Feeds through the
roots and leaves. 1.5 lb.

Gro-Rich Rose & Perennial Food
More flowers. Vibrant colors. Organic based
fertilizer. Contains chelated iron and
sulfur. 15 lb. bag
Vegetable Garden Foods

Happy Frog Tomato & Vegetable Fertilizer Plant food and microorganisms combined. Improves the soil
structure-making it easier for roots to grow. Faster growth,
more blooms, and bigger vegetables!

Big Bloom This odorless, liquid fertilizer from
FoxFarm is a live culture of vitamins, amino acids, natural
growth hormones, enzymes, and beneficial organic microbes. Great
for hydroponic growing. 1 qt.
Fertilizers - What the
numbers mean